Mar 20Liked by Ol' Doc Skepsis

Anyone of true value or aspiring to live in truth has no agenda. Cats have no agendas other than to stick to their nature and survive. People on the other hand always have to have agendas because they are always following everyone else.

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Agreed. Camus referred to this as "authenticity." A quick search turned up this teaser:


TYVM for your comment Crixcyon.

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Excellent analogy. We, too, have some feline friends and I have many (too many, probably) photos of each one of them squeezed into various boxes or baskets. And, I agree, it’s because they want to feel safe. Brilliant observations, Doc! And…meow

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Oh I agree! Brilliant observations Samantha, you will appreciate this video my husband made about 13 years ago of one of our cats playing in a box. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW49Z9YOSxg

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I care for 12 outdoor feral cats and have 2 indoor house cats, so it's safe to say I'm the cat lady! I always keep extra boxes around for them to play in. Your comparison and analogy resonate with me deeply. When we fail to keep an open mind and think innovatively, we risk getting trapped in the cycle of propaganda fed to us, just like a cog stuck in a wheel.

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You will appreciate this video my husband made 13 years ago of one of our cats playing in a box!


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Here is another point of view about boxes. Everyone (especially ladies) get the boxes us men live in immediately.


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Cheers Ian, and TYVM for the clip. It's an excellent description of why men and women use different strategies for shopping.

Women enjoy lingering in stores, and tend to go up and down each aisle, pointing their eyes at each item to determine whether or not it needs to go into the cart.

Men, on the other hand, enter a store knowing exactly which items to purchase, where they are located, and the optimal route to use to fetch each item in the least amount of time. Interestingly, neither shopping stragegy requires conscious thought!!!

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I get a chuckle whenever I use it or watch it for some reason. It is BRILLIANT! And so true.

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